Saturday, September 24, 2016

Keevah Nyx: September fun: Half Moon Bay and Monterey

I'm 8 months adjusted now and I'm proving to be a happy tough little girl.  I'm still in the ~3rd percentile for weight - about 14.5 pounds and still in size ONE toosh is just tiny!  I do really good at drinking my bottles now, and I'm willing to take bites of solids but I still don't like them too much.  It just seems like too much work to chew all that stuff!  I had my first olive yesterday and actually liked it, so maybe I'll try to do a bit better with my solids if they all taste like that.  
I'm slowly becoming more mobile - this whole crawling thing is harder than it looks!  I go backwards pretty well, but that always ends in me getting stuck under the couch, chairs or coffee table.  I am using a combination technique of scooting on my rear, log rolling, and crab-crawling to get places...with mixed results.  I can just tell I'm soooooo close to zooming...hopefully next week! 

We enjoyed a few trips to different beaches this month, so I've ingested quite a bit of sand.  We spent Labor Day with the Richoux and Winkler families at Half Moon Bay, enjoying a nice walk along the ocean and lots of sand castle making. 

Snow bunny on the beach
Mama and me with Miss Cara and Miss Jess
Hercules and Dada running around
The whole gang
Vera, Clare & Declan
Big brother showing me how to climb trees...I can't wait to join him!
Enjoying our walk along the ocean
Big brother perched on an overlook on the cliffs
Then we spent a long weekend in Monterey with the Romps family since Felix is one of Declan's best buddies.  I experienced my first bike ride in Monterey which was pretty fun, despite all the grown ups using my trailer as storage for their backpacks & lunches.  My favorite was the aquarium though - I was mesmerized by all the fishies!
Dada and Mr. Dave teaching Declan and Felix about cloud formation, evaporation, and other sciency stuff
Just checking out the beautiful view
Watch out for the shark big brother!
Declan & Felix & the sea otters - I missed this show since I had to eat and then fell asleep
Jellyfish are cool!
The boys and a school of sardines and a huge tuna fish
Declan's favorite - the octopus!
More sardines and a shark!

I finally woke up and loved watching all the critters swim by the window
Two boys in a clam shell
Hercules & Nyx in a clam shell
The gang: Mr. Dave, Miss Nancy, Dada and Mama w/ me..and big brother in the background (photo credit: Felix!)
My family out for a ride!
Trying to not eat kelp!
Finally settling for a bottle instead of the kelp or sand
Keevah Nyx: Goddess of Night, Mother of Dawn!
The boys making a river to the ocean, complete with eventual kelp "fishies"
And then here are a few extra photos of random events in our daily life:

Trying to figure out where my mouth is...
goofy time with big brother
Dada doing an awesome job multitasking
Happiness with Mama
I look like this every time I see my big brother
Don't I look like such a big girl?  Playing with blocks...
Big brother helping me learn to walk
Declan still loving his gymnastics classes

Perfecting my cute pose while out for a ride in my walker

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