Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Keevah Nyx: Raptor is SIX months old

Hello friends! 

I've been wanting to update you on my progress for a long time, but Mama has been a bit busy and had to document big brother's life too in the last post! 

So, here I have been...not-so-patiently waiting to have my voice heard!  I'm 6.5 months old adjusted now (remember I was a month early).  
The biggest news recently is that I had my CT scan of my lungs to follow up on a cyst that the doctors discovered when I was still in Mama's belly.  And guess what??  The cyst is GONE!!!  Hooray! (I was going to need a large lung surgery to remove it if it was still there)  

Me being super brave at the hospital
In general, I'm much more vocal than my brother was at this same age.  He is frequently described by everyone as an "old soul"...well I am a very NEW soul, on my first time around!  I do my best not to be super needy, but if Mama and Dada set me down for too long to pay attention to Hercules, I let out my signature SHRIEK!  I still sound like a small velociraptor, and have shown zero interest in learning to babble...shrieking is so much more fun.  
I've also been laughing and giggling a lot more recently and delight in the fact that all grown ups do really silly things just to get a giggle from me.  I hold back my laughs frequently just to see what other craziness they will do. 

I'm a pretty good sleeper. I go to bed after my 7pm bottle and wake up around 9am...however I still get fed at 11pm, 3am and 7am since I'm much better at drinking my bottle when I'm asleep.  When I'm awake, I still get so distracted that I forget to eat and get so antsy that I'm missing something else much better.  

If my vocalizations haven't progressed much, I have made up for it on my motor skills.  I have been sitting completely unsupported for awhile now...since I was about 5 months adjusted.  I am even pretty good about leaning way forward to grab my toys and returning to a seated position.  However, I consistently fall over whenever I look up at the ceiling...my head is so heavy I fall over backwards. I still LOVE to stand up and can pull myself up fairly well.  If I'm upset and screaming, all you have to do is stand me up, and I'll stop and smile instead! I'm doing great with tummy time, and even inching a bit forwards. Watch out world...crawling is coming SOON!  I've taken amazingly well to my walker (which was Hercules' walker a few years ago).  I love zooming around in that thing...but I think big brother loves pushing me in it even more! 

LOVING my newfound mobility (made especially mobile from Hercules)

I also got to start eating (semi)-solids.  At first, it was awful.  Mama tried to feed me bananas and I spat them out immediately and started screaming as if she was pulling off all my fingernails.  I did this for a few weeks, until I realized that apparently I couldn't get out of it.  After 6 weeks of work, I (mostly) enjoy my fruits and veggies. I still gag on solid things, but the purees are ok.  

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Here are some other super cute photos of me and Declan Hercules in the past month too. 
Rocking my cute peacock dress
Saturday night cocktail with Dada...

Sibling love. 
Big brother got to go to Art Camp this summer and loved it. I can't wait to go some day!

Declan showing Grandpa his art from camp
Hercules building a fire with Dada
Smores with Gee & Grandpa
When do I get to join the boys on my first backyard campout?
Learning to play piano already - maybe I can take after Mama someday

And a few more gratuitous photos of my cute self. 

Aye aye matey!
Declan let me borrow his bunny rabbit
Standing all by myself
I'm a water baby just like my big brother
I'm having so much fun in this life-thing, that I can't wait for you to see what I learn next!

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