Saturday, April 9, 2016

Keevah Nyx: Easter & the rest of March

OK  - so this post is way overdue.  My whole family has been sick with a nasty virus for WEEKS! In my short life, I've had pink eye TWICE, along with some yucky tummy aches and snotty noses.  We can thank big brother Hercules for this - he brings home all sorts of germs from preschool!  I'm still not back to myself yet (though Mama isn't quite sure what that is anymore, as I've had this bug 1/3 of my life!).  I've been enjoying lots of extra cuddles with Mama and Dada since I've been under the weather - I'm going to milk this one for all it's worth!  

Despite my infirmed state, I've still learning all sorts of new tricks.  I can smile and make some funny noises.  I'm still figuring out how to use these vocal cord things for laughing, but I can snort and shriek pretty good! I have rolled over from my tummy to my back several times - I'm WAY advanced in this department compared to my big brother.  I can hold my head up quite well and enjoy playing airplane game with Mama and Dada.  I'm only in the 2nd percentile for weight at 9.5 pounds for a 2.5 month adjusted kiddo, but I'm tough! 

Mama is back to work now, which I don't like too much, but I'm getting to know my nanny Miss Heather, and spending extra time with Gee & Grandpa when they come to visit. They can't seem to stay away for more than a week - I'm just too cute for them to resist my company!

First I'm going to show you some gratuitous cute pictures of myself, then some of big brother doing cool big boy things...and then we get to Easter!

This is Declan at 9 pounds as you think we look alike?
Out for a ride in my !

In the "buggy" that Mama and Uncle Ben rode in as babies at Gee's house
Aren't those some adorable pictures of me?  Everyone says I look just like my big brother Hercules when he was a baby. Mama and Dada have a harder time believing that since I have way more dark hair, a darker complexion and a more angular face...but they nod and smile whenever people say it!

Bath time with big brother! My face only slipped under the water for a split second!
Freshly bathed!  Do you think I'm going to have curly hair?  Only I know the truth!

Woe is me!
I visited Elk Grove and met Great Grammie for the first time.  She's a pretty cool lady and I really enjoyed her holding me.  

Four generations of ladies!
And one photo with big brother in it too!
OK - big brother is a busy busy boy these days.  I get hauled around constantly so that whichever grownup I'm with can keep an eye on him.  He's pretty responsible and independent, but he tends to think he can do more than what he really can or should.  I find it amusing to watch him figure everything out. He is my inspiration!
Declan making a volcano with Dada

...and again with Grandpa!

Declan and Dada hanging the home-made solar system on brother's ceiling!
Hanging out with the men in my life. Life is good!
Everytime we visit Elk Grove, Grandpa gives big brother the most amazing bubble baths!  I can't wait to get in on that action

Easter came!  The giant bunny rabbit was pretty creepy but I held myself together and went along with the humiliation of being held by a large glorified rodent. Big brother certainly enjoyed it, though it may have been the candy more than the bunny that he was after. 

Pre-Easter coordinating outfits!  Mama is having way too much fun with this!

Coloring Easter Eggs with friends Clare and Vera
Easter morning we joined hundreds of families at Kennedy Park for an Easter Egg hunt!

Mama made us get all dressed up - even though big brother was going to be rolling around in the grass!
This is how big brother reacts when I cry...sometimes I cry just to see the funny faces he makes!
The House boys

Mama and her babies
Big brother got to go inside a firetruck.  My turn next!

The line for the Easter bunny was really long, so we settled on photos with Snoopy!
You're welcome for my cute smile!
Mama loved the back of my dress!
Loving Mama...and wearing my perpetual skeptical look.
Hercules is making a sunshine cake for Dada's birthday, and I didn't make it too easy on them - I fussed until Mama caved and wore me in the Moby wrap - my happy place!
I'm getting stronger! Tummy time!
Gratuitous cute baby photo
We also had an Easter Egg hunt at our house! Somehow the Easter bunny snuck into our yard to hide special treats! I was not particularly impressed but big brother was!

Hercules dressed himself in as many contrasting patterns and colors as possible. 
Big brother got stamps in his Easter basket and decided to decorate my tummy.  I have a feeling this won't be the last time...
Playing "bed" with Mama and big brother
And finally - my big Nyx Celebration party is coming up in a few months - which means that Mama finally was able to convince Dada to landscape the backyard - formerly known as Declan's mudpit.  So here's a preview!

Time to sign off for now!

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