Thursday, May 2, 2013

Springtime fun!

I am experiencing my first "mobile" Spring in Napa.

The vines have sprouted and the Valley is so beautiful.  Mama and Daddy are already educating me about the process of grape-growing and wine-making...perhaps I'll be a master sommalier someday?
Mama and Daddy are really trying to direct me into professions that they can directly benefit from - wine maker, chef, shoe designer...  :-)

This blog post is mainly pictures & videos of my activities over the past month or so.

I go to the many parks in Napa & Yountville several times a week with whomever I can convince to take me...Mama, Dada, Miss Heather, Grammie or Grandpa!

Dandelions!  My favorite!
Special time with Grandpa

What's that Grammie?
Monkey-ing around with Mama

Playing in the sand at Playground Fantastico

Enjoying the park, especially after Spring Showers

Mama had to dress me up for Easter, even though we didn't do too much.  My Easter basket was courtesy of Grammie & Grandpa and I've been carrying it around (mostly on my head) ever since!  The real eggs were great (and yummy), but the plastic ones freaked me out! (see video)

Fancy overalls and my froggy Easter basket

              My Easter Egg broke in Half!

At 24 pounds and 37 inches tall, I FINALLY convinced Mama to install my new big boy carseat.  I hooted and hollered for the first week anytime we went anywhere!  It was my first time seeing where we were going in stead of where we had been.  And, I love looking at my pretty Mama chauffeuring me everywhere!

My new big-boy car seat!  
Only 14 years to go before I can borrow Mama's car...
 I have also enjoyed TWO trips up-valley in the past month. One with Mama & Daddy and one with Grammie & Grandpa.  I live in such a beautiful place!  I got to experience some Napa Valley classics...Dean & Deluca, Prager Port Works, Taylor's Refresher!  Mama & Daddy are really trying to get me adequately cultured before I'm old enough to make my own decisions...

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Daddy & me at Prager Port Works 
Hanging out at Prager
I went to Prager again with Grammie & Grandpa
Taylor's Refresher - the best burgers EVER! (though I prefer the mini corn dogs!) 
Picking out the perfect wine at Dean & Deluca
Playing the fountains at Dean & Deluca with Grandpa

Spring has also allowed me to stay out later since the sun stays around longer.  Daddy has been teaching me all about the sun and moon and our planet...and why the different seasons exist.   It's also been really really hot lately, so I've discovered the HOSE!  Holy cow that thing is cool...especially when I try to spray Mama!  You should see the look on her face when I spray her work clothes...whoops! I even have my very own swimming pool.  Mostly I enjoy splashing the water out of the pool, but it is definitely my favorite way of spending an afternoon (and Mama doesn't mind as long as she has her glass of wine in the nearby lounge chair!).

My favorite pre-bedtime activity - staring out the windows!
A beautiful Spring evening - and I stuck my hands in Mama's exhaust pipe...whoops!

A boy and his hose...
My favorite way to ride...
No better way to cool off!
I brought a whole hose into my pool!
Watering the fake grass
I've also continued to do well with my eating. It's been 3 weeks since I said goodbye to my tubie, and I still point to where it used to be sometimes. It was part of me for so long, but I really don't miss it too much.  My tummy is so flat now! I just have to work on my abs!

I love hummus!

I said 32 words before MAMA!  (Including peephole, globe, clock, rock, cracker, yogurt, banana, and the sounds of at least 10 animals).  And Dada was a good 5 months before Mama...but I FINALLY graced Mama by saying her name out loud.  She just doesn't always like how I saw it!

What happens when you let a curly haired boy brush his own hair
Gratuitous video of me making special sound effects while climbing the stairs. Unfortunately for my parents, I make these sound effects EVERY time I climb the stairs!

Gratuitous video of me dancing with Grammie & Grandpa

Oh...and the best news of all from this Spring!  Mama & Daddy just showed me a picture of our new puppy!  She won't come home for a few months, but we're getting the yard ready for her and I'm picking out a nice pink leash for my new sister and best friend...Introducing ENTROPY!

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