Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post-Holiday relaxation (and surgery!)

The holiday decorations have been put away and life has returned to normalcy.

Celebrating New Year's Eve at midnight!

As much as I loved all the festivities, I have to admit that I am happy to relax and settle into my routine again.  Of course, nothing is too routine around here!  We went to Tahoe a few weeks ago for an amazing time in the snow.  A lot more snow had fallen since our December trip, and so this time I got to go sledding!  I did a tiny bit of that last year according to Mama, but I don't remember it.  As far as I'm concerned, this was my first time really being able to play in the snow!  I had a blast - Mama says I'm a bit of a thrill seeker.  (Mama, that part is only going to get worse!).

         Sledding with Uncle Bill

        The whole family sleds together

Relaxing with Uncle Ben & Aunt Aubree after a long day sledding
I've really gotten into a wonderful daily routine with Miss Heather.  We go to GymZone a few days a week, and the local Children's museum (Scientopia) on other days.  I'm still enjoying the reading and song time at the library, and time with my playgroup in the afternoons.

I'm doing great with my eating - I finally passed 22 pounds! I'd been working on that one for a long time!  I haven't used my gtube since the end of October for anything except medications, and I'm learning to eat different textures. Its still taking a lot of work to figure out the whole chewing technique, but now that my molars have finally arrived, its going a bit easier.  Mama & Daddy want to wait until after the winter season to talk about saying bye bye to my tube for good, but its coming soon!

I'm learning so many more words.  Uh-oh is my favorite.  Uh-oh is not reactionary - I regularly do it when I know I'm going to do something bad, like throw my food on the ground.  I think it's nicer this way - it gives Mama or Daddy a heads-up to look in my direction!  I can say kitty, light, wha 'dat?, woof woof.  And I love saying Dada!  Mama is getting a little frustrated that I won't say Mama yet - but I'm holding out for more bribes!  Looking at a picture of my parents today, I kept pointing to Daddy and saying "Dada"...and then pointing to Mama and saying "that!".  So, Daddy is Dada, and Mama is "That".  Ugh!

Copy & Paste
Putting together the new BBQ Daddy got for Christmas 
The box is even better than the BBQ!
I also had another general anesthesia for my silly incisional hernia.  It wasn't really bothering me, but I had a little "pooch" in my belly where some of my intestine herniated through my muscle. This was from a weakness from the incision site from my big Nissen surgery in May.  I was so brave!  I was a little groggy for about an hour, but as soon as we got home, I was back to my normal self.  Eating and playing and running all over!  Just call me Mr. Trouble!  Check out the "toy" I picked out in the hospital treasure chest!

Recovering with Mama

Just before we left, I got to pick any toy I wanted out of the big wagon...I chose the Pink Body Butter!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. love the snowsuit! looks like a fun weekend in tahoe. i need another declan fix...

    :) serena
