Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fun with Great Grammie

This is a really short cute post.

Mama took me to see Great Grammie last weekend.  Great Grammie is super cool but she has been kind of sick recently.  Mama surprised me and took me down to Elk Grove to see her a few days ago.

My favorite part of seeing her again were her walkers.  I can almost walk myself...indeed, I took 5 steps all by myself about 1 week ago.  However, I've never repeated that trick since then.  I'm just holding on until I can perfect the art of walking before I bust a move again.

So, Great Grammie's walkers were pretty amazing!  I immediately stole one and started hauling down the hallway.  I have some push toys at home, but I have now put in a request for an adult-sized walker.

Watch me go!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Water Skiing Hercules

I have been bugging Mama to write this blog for weeks now, but she has been blowing me off!  Sure, she only had about 20 important things going on, but don’t you agree with me that my blog should trump all else?  We are in the middle of packing, so Mama is pretty scatter-brained.  In case you didn’t know that we were moving, I convinced Mama and Daddy to buy me a new house.  I just didn’t think our old one was fit for a king!  We’re still in Napa, and pretty close to our old home…in fact, I picked this one out when I was out on a walk to the park!  Pics on the new house to come after we finish the move next week.

My biggest excitement in the past few weeks was a trip to Arizona last weekend to see the Friesen’s, friends of Mama & Daddy’s.  The grownups were nice enough, but I got to play with Alden (5) and Corinne (almost 3), which was much better than hanging with the grown ups.  They have a swing set and a sand box, as well as two cool doggies that I had fun playing with. 

The biggest highlight was going out on a boat for the first time.  I tried to tell Mama that I can swim, but she made me wear a lifejacket just in case.  The grownups did some water skiing and wake boarding, and finally after much pleading from me, I got to go out on the wake board!  Hooray!  I had a blast!  I love being naked, looking in mirrors, and water…so being on the lake definitely made my day! 

Hmmm what else???   I can walk, though I refuse to do it for other people yet.  I kind of like holding Mama’s hand, so I insist that I must hold onto one finger in order for me to walk around.  In reality, I don’t need it, but it’s comforting to know that I can hold onto her if I stumble.  I’ve been perfecting my technique, so by the next time you hear from me, I’ll amaze you with my ability to walk unaided.  I’m quite a climber too – I love stairs (much to Mama’s chagrin!). I’ve been practicing my climbing and my people skills in my weekly playdates with my Kindermusic friends.  I continue to work hard on my eating, but its so much easier to be fed through my gtube!

More to come in the next post on my new home and my new skills...stay tuned to find out!!!

Just chillin' with Daddy

Daddy looks awesome until...

Cody let me drive the boat!

Go Mama!

Daddy with me, Alden  & Corinne

The whole gang minus Mama the photographer

Naptime on the boat

My turn on the wakeboard!

Go faster!

I sat like this for an hour letting Alden hose me off

Helping Mama pack up the old house

One of my three favorite things...bathtime (this time with grandpa!). The other two are being naked and looking at myself in the mirror
Second favorite thing...being naked

Learning to climb...I'm a monkey!

Batman rides again

Working hard...

Last photos at my first house

At the park

Look Mama - no hands!

At the library