Friday, June 22, 2012

I found my past in Boston...

Mama, Daddy, and I went to Boston this past weekend.  For those who don’t know, this is where Mama & Daddy spend the first 5 years of their marriage and where they bought their first home.  So, for them, this was a trip down memory lane.   For me, this was another wonderful new experience!  I loved meeting all the people that Mama & Daddy hung out with, and to see the places they talk about all the time – like the Charles River, Felipes taqueria, Harvard, and Boston Medical Center.

I behaved nicely on the redeye flight to my FIFTH state and slept the whole way.  Unfortunately, Mama didn’t get much sleep because she was afraid of dropping me if she relaxed too much!  Needless to say, Daddy slept just fine!

We drove straight to Cambridge, where we stayed with the Platts.  Mike & Judy are good friends of Mama and Daddy, but more importantly, they have Harrison & Juliet who I got to play with all weekend.  Harrison is a pretty cool dude, but I have a thing for the ladies, so I was trying to tackle Juliet at every opportunity.  I was completely perplexed several times when she was sitting next to me, and then all of a sudden she was on the other side of the room!  You see, she has mastered the art of “crawling”…a mysterious practice that Mama keeps trying to make me practice.  I have never thought it to be particularly fun or even necessary…afterall, I can get around good in my cart, and I like it when Mama carries me!  But, I finally have found the need and desire to crawl.  I liked Juliet so much that I made huge progress in trying to crawl just so I could chase her!  I got knocked over a few times trying to grab her skirt as she crawled away from me.  So, I can now get from a sitting to crawling position by myself, and even scoot a tiny bit. I’m still learning how to coordinate my legs with my arms, but I’ll get this process figured out within a few weeks. 

Me with Juliet - we love eating things...

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Judy & Juliet with Mama & me!
I love posing!
Staying at the Platts was so much fun. I even got to go to my first music class with Harrison & Juliet…and promptly made Mama sign me up for music classes in Napa.  I’m also signed up for swim lessons!  I love love love love all things water!
Mike & Judy hosted a wonderful dinner at their house, including Dan Lee & Judith – two of Mama & Daddy’s other Boston friends. 

Daddy & Dan Lee

Judith with Mama & me

We also got to spend dinner one night with Jennifer & Reese – Mama’s friend from med school – and their two cool dudes, Sims & Oliver.  Oliver and I are the same age (almost) – so we had a great time babbling to each other while the adults were engrossed in conversation.  Sims is a little older, but he was so loving to me, and I loved watching him run all over the place! 

Jennifer & Oliver with Mama & me (Sims in the background)

Daddy & Reese

Mama & me with Jennifer, Sims & Oliver
Bunmi & Emily hosted us for another dinner at their house.  Bunmi is one of Daddy’s MIT Energy geek friends, and he runs his own energy company…just like daddy!  Uncle Bunmi & Aunt Emily entertained me for about an hour, and then I obliged the grownups by going to sleep in my stroller without a fuss for the remainder of the night! 

Bunmi & Emily with me

Mama & Daddy with Bunmi & Emily
Mama also took me to Boston Medical Center for one afternoon to meet all her old faculty, nurses and co-residents who are still in Boston.  Mostly, she just wanted to show me off!  And, of course, I kept showing everyone how cute I am.  I am very proud of my two teeth and love to smile to show them off!  I was very proud of Mama after hearing everyone say how much they miss her & how hard she worked in her residency. 

We went to the BMC graduation and I got to meet even more of Mama’s former friends & faculty.  I wore a fabulous suit & showed off all night. I even behaved when we all went to the bar afterwards!

Mama with Graduates...Vartan & Sarah
Mama & I with Avner (Mama's co-resident)

Mama and I with Dr. Grundfast & Ruth Ann

Family photo!

I just crack Mama up!

I love love love love shoes!
We also had a day at Harvard – where Daddy says I get to go in 17 years!  I met Dan Schragg,  Daddy’s former advisor, and hung out with Julie & her kids Gregory & Laurel.

Mama, Julie with Laurel, Daddy with me, and Dan with Gregory...a Harvard reunion

meeting John Harvard...

On the steps of the Harvard Library

Mostly, I loved just walking around Cambridge – we walked along the Charles River, and ate (Twice!) at Felipe’s taqueria.  We walked around Harvard Square & Central square and I got to do a lot of people-watching. 

With Mama on the banks of the Charles River

Daddy & I by the Harvard Bridge

I’m doing really well after my surgery. I still haven’t vomited in over a month!  I still have some reflux and it will be awhile before I get rid of my gtube, but I’m trying really hard!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adios Mama & Daddy!

Last weekend was my first time away from Mama and Daddy!  It's about time!  They don't seem to realize that I'm a big boy now.

While they went off to the big city for a night at the SF Symphony Black & White Ball with some friends, I got to hang out with Grammie & Grandpa.  We had a blast!  I was still recovering a bit from my tummy surgery, but I still had a great time meeting a bunch of their friends at a Rotary party that they took me to.  I especially enjoyed bathtime with Grandpa and some walks around Elk Grove.  I had been to Elk Grove before, but never for this long.  I got to see the house that my Great-Grandpa was born in, the "place where it all happens" (Grandpa's office), the office that Grammie used to work in, and the schools that Mama & Uncle Ben attended.  It was pretty cool to learn all about my family's history from Grandpa.

zooming around at Grammie & Grandpa's house

Grandpa teaching me to tie a shoe!

Out for a walk with Grandpa
Mama and Daddy had a great time too.  You would think that they might be sad to be away from me for the first time, and they had a few twinges of missing me.  But, they coped pretty well and danced the night away.  I think they knew that I was having a blast with Grammie & Grandpa.  In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a particularly sentimental guy.  Mama wishes that I was more cuddly, but there are too many things to enjoy in the world to spend time cuddling on the couch!  So, she called Grammie a few times to see if I was missing her...and Grammie's response was, "Well, I'm sure he misses you...I'm not sure when and he's been really happy the whole time...but I'm sure he does miss you".  Poor Mama!  I guess I could have faked a few tears just to make her feel needed & loved!  I'll try that next time...

Mama and Daddy clean up nice...
Daddy all dressed up
Mama with Daniel Enderton
Mama is so pretty!

Tiffany, Daniel, Daddy, Mama, Suzanna & Barclay
Daniel, Daddy & Barclay - the C12 gang
Mama & Barclay 
Mama & Daddy dancing in the street
Fireworks off the top of Symphony Hall
I'm feeling somewhat better after my surgery.  I think most of the surgical healing is done.  I haven't vomited since surgery, which is amazing!  I still have some discomfort with my feeding, but I'm trying to move beyond that.  I've been eating some cereal and fruits this week, and I'm slowly improving.  My swallow teacher, Anne, is so patient and I'm learning so much from her.

All ready to eat in my high chair
I can't crawl quite yet, but I'm learning to be ok in this position.  I used to just lay my head on the ground when Mama put me like this, but now I'm holding it up most of the time.  

A random video.....

Off to Boston this next week...I can't wait!