Monday, March 26, 2012

I Found Love in Tahoe!

This past weekend, I got to go to Tahoe again!  It is definitely my favorite excursion - I think this was my fourth time there this season.  Yet again, I had a blast.  There wasn't much snow at the cabin, but Daddy said that the skiing was still ok on the mountain.  They haven't let me go up on the gondola to the top of the mountain yet...but I will get to this summer when the weather is nice.

We had 15 of Mama and Daddy's awesome friends join us.  Five people, including Serena, Mark, Jess, Bunmi & Emily, flew in from the East Coast (and I know where that is now that I've been to New York).  The grown ups enjoyed yummy food, cocktails, and skiing throughout the weekend.  Mama stayed with me and the "non-skiiers" at the cabin, and we had a fabulous time playing by the fireplace.  I insisted that my walker come up to Tahoe I was scooting all over the hardwood floor.

Jessy, Libby, Mike & Emily

Chris, Cara, Jess, and Serena

Cara made Daddy a cake to celebrate his 34th birthday...he's so old!!!
The gang at dinner

At one point, I got to go for a walk along a Nature Trail to the Lake with Mama, Serena, and Jess.  I love having the ladies to myself!  It was a bit windy, but that made these things called "white caps" on the water.  Those were mesmerizing!  I sat in my chair and watched them for a long time.  Now I know why the ocean noises on my white noise machine are so soothing.

Mama and Serena walking me.  (Nice photo Jess!)

Mama and Serena at the Lake
Windy but super fun!

The second best part of the weekend is that I was the star of the show!  I love love love love getting attention.  I made the rounds to each and every person, and sucked up love from all of them.  Everyone loves my killer smile and my big eyes.  I'm definitely a charmer!  

Bunmi held me and I fell asleep instantly
Chris and I having fun on the pool table  (side note:  Has anyone notice my new skill?  I can sit up by myself!  ...most of the time...)

Mama, Barclay, Jess, Emily & Bunmi think I am a super little dude!

The single best part of the weekend is that I finally got to take my first jacuzzi!  Hooray!!!  I had been begging for this for months, but Mama always said NO!  It was too hot in the water, or too cold outside...excuses, excuses!  But this time she surprised me and put me into my new swimmy diapers and plopped me in the jacuzzi with some of our friends.  I was a bit skeptical at first (not of the jacuzzi, but of all the other people staring at me).  But, I soon became the ham that I am, and started splashing all over the place.  I have no idea why there isn't a jacuzzi in every home...they are perfect!  In fact...I may refuse to go anywhere that doesn't have a jacuzzi from now on!

Barclay holding me in the jacuzzi
Emily, Barclay with me, Daddy, Mark, Jason & Jess
Even more people fit into the tub...Barclay, Cara, Mama with me, Daddy, Serena, Jason, Emily, Mark & Jess...not bad for an 8 person tub!

1 comment:

  1. You're enjoying life! Hood to see all the fun you're having. Can we afford to hire Bunmi as a baby sitter? Love, Gran
