Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rock & Roll

This was a HUGE week for me. 

Last Sunday morning, Daddy and I were playing in the living room, while Mama was getting a bit of extra sleep.  As usual, Daddy put me on my mat for "tummy time".  I do tend to like tummy time more than many babies, but even so, I have been known to lay my head on the ground and whimper until someone picks me up.  I totally know how to play Mama & Daddy! 

This time, however, was different.  As soon as Daddy put me down, I decided that I would fix the situation myself.  So, after about two minutes trying to get some traction with my feet, I flipped from my tummy onto my back!  It was as if I'd been rolling over my whole life...and I smiled my big toothless grin to say, "See, I knew how to do this a long time ago...I was just hiding it from you guys!" Daddy was so shocked and excited that he started yelling and completely woke up Mama.  But, she didn't mind at all! 

Though I think it was the right call to finally show them my new trick, it did backfire a bit.  Now, Mama & Daddy keep putting me on my tummy to watch me roll over and over and over again.  It's getting tiresome for a little dude like me! 

                                                        Check out my new skill!

                                                   Abdominal exercises are very important...

OK - a weird photo. But I have a thing for holding onto fabric, like my blankets or my burp clothes.  My fingers and hands have become so much more dexterous recently, and I'm reveling in my new-found talent.  Opposable thumbs are awesome!  It just happened that I was next to the laundry pile when daddy picked me up for my bath, and I grabbed Mama's bra and wouldn't let go! 
A reminder of what I used to look like - this was my very first tub bath - August 2, 2011 - 3 pounds, 10 ounces

Another bath on August 15th, 5 pounds
No, I don't actually get my baths in the pink tub anymore, but this is what I look like at 17.5 pounds!

Daddy, Gran Aunt Mimi, Uncle Hans, and Cousin Sophie all had dinner in DC - a complete fluke that they all ended up there at the same time!

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