Sunday, October 16, 2022

Declan Hercules: Boston Baby!!!

 We just had an amazing week in Boston!  Mama and Dada lived here for 7 years before we were born, but this was our first time there.  We had such a fun time!  We spent the first few days staying with Dr. Beth & Mr. Mike, Mama's friends from residency.  We did the Freedom Trail with their family and had a great time learning about the beginnings of America!  There are SO MANY cemeteries in Boston! But there are so many cool people buried there!  So many Founding Fathers, signers of our Constitution!  Mama and Dada took us on walks along the Charles River, along the route that they walked daily to work.  Though the river was lovely, and the old buildings were super cool, FELIPES was AMAZING!   They ate at Felipes every weekend, and keep talking about it.  And they are actually right -that place is delicious!  I also ate my way through some lobster rolls, and we all enjoyed the pasta & pizza of the North End.  We loved the Boston Common - and showed Mama & Dada that there are more child-friendly parks in Boston than they every realized!  We did Ghost Tours and Duck Boat tours too!  How cool is it that our tour vehicle turned into a boat!!! Both Keevah & I even got to take turns driving it!  We spent a whole afternoon at the Science museum and another afternoon at the Harvard Natural Science museum enjoying the glass flowers, minerals, and taxidermy collection (sounds weird but it was so so cool).   Most evenings were enjoyed with a variety of friends from Grad School & Residency, and also with some folks that are affiliated with Dada's current company, Kobold Metals.  Dada gave a super cool talk at Harvard - it was awesome to see him in action at his Alma Mater.  He took us on a walk around Harvard, and I think I may want to go to college in Boston some day!  Though we both loved Boston, I particularly bonded with the city and was super sad to leave.  

But - we missed our menagerie - and 12 new baby chicks arrived the day after we got home. The pumpkin patch was also calling our name.  

The Freedom Trail
Four signers of the Constitution are buried here 

Paul Revere's house

Revere Statue and Old North Church

The Donkey statue - with Ellie & Zack
Oldest Pub in the US

Old North Church

Our home 202 River Street, Cambridge, MA - in 2005 and 2022

Longfellow Bridge

Walks along the Charles River

Duck Boat Tour

Ghost Tours!

Boston Public Garden

The duckling statues

Boston Public Garden

The guns of Ticonderoga in Cambridge Common
The leaves were just starting to change

Enjoying Harvard

John Harvard Statue

Lobster Roll


Glass flower exhibit at Harvard Natural History Museum

Which one is Mama?  

These little ladies arrived as soon as we got back to Napa

Mama is babying the three speckled sussex

Is there room for more?  Chickens, Rabbits, and dogs in the bed! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Keevah Nyx: Fall is among us!


Summer is over and we are back in school.  It's FALL and that means the Great Pumpkin is getting closer! 

We had a good time at the Napa County Fair.  Mama is mad at Dada because he gave us some money to play games, and we won some fish!  So now, we have added fish to the dogs, rabbits & chickens!  

Fair games

Photo finish

we won fish! 



Bonding with Harmony & Chocolate

Chickens indoors on a 115 degree day 

Grandpa with Spirit & Chaos

Spirit won a Good Citizenship Canine award

craziness in our house! 

We had a lovely end to the summer, but it was also bittersweet.  We changed schools this year.  I'm super excited and love all my new friends.  It was harder for Declan because he's older and had more friends at our old school, but he's being a real trouper and learning the new ropes.  Mama and Dada decided to switch schools for us because Declan is almost in middle school and they thought this would be the best school moving forward.  I LOVE the new school and have quickly made new friends like Elizabeth, Rosie, Brooklyn, Jacqueline, Lucy & Mika.  We are really fortunate that BOTH Haines' family & Lucius' family also decided to switch schools at the same time, so we are all still together!  

First day at St. John's Lutheran school

Me with Mrs. Burmester

Me with Lucius

With Haines & Mr. Newton

Meeting new friends at school 

I'm working hard on my reading!  I'm also continuing my horseback riding and Tae Kwon Do. I just got my GREEN belt too!  

Green Belt!  

Declan is keeping up with his fencing, but he is also in the Robotics class at school and making super cool robots.  He also loves coding and is making some really cool games.  
Mama & Dada have committed to making sure Declan has plenty of playdates with his friends from Vichy, his old school.  Dada took Declan and his three awesome friends out for a whole day at Scandia- mini golf, arcade, bumper boats, Laser tag, etc! 

Back to school dinner with the Sciandris & Barbers

Ryder's birthday

Declan, Haines, Tai, Ryder

Declan & Haines

We just spent a really fun weekend in Seattle with Mama & Dada's friends from college, Dr. Brad & Mrs. Carol.  They have a gorgeous huge house right on Puget Sound - so we got to watch the beautiful water and the bald eagles every day.  We spent a whole afternoon on a private boat going around Lake Washington - seeing all these crazy billionaire's homes, including one with an entire (real) T-Rex skeleton in the living room!  
Brad, Dada, Mama & Carol

Carol & Dada, Vienna, Keevah & Declan

Declan & Jude

Dada was traveling for one weekend, so Mama took both of us out to a fancy steak house in Napa for dinner.  We had an awesome time, and we LOVED all the food so much we want to go back every weekend! 

Here's also a few random pictures of other fun times in the past few months.  

Loving Harry Potter, but couldn't stay awake this time! 

New Napa heat record - 115 degrees!  It called for a slip & slide! 

And to warm up after the slip & slide, we got in the 104 degree hot tub, which felt cool on a 115 degree day

Our nanny Miss Cami had a wedding reception! 

Loving Dada

Gran came for a super short weekend of fun! 

With second cousin Kate Corrigan

I LOVE bunnies!!!!!!!

First rain of the year - and a double rainbow reward. 

my brother is so strange sometimes!