Sunday, June 16, 2019

Declan Hercules - Tahoe, Pasadena & Seattle

We've been busy finishing up school and doing a bit of travel too!  Firstly, I'm done with FIRST GRADE!!!!  I aced my end-of-year report card too!  I can read, and am working on longer and more complicated words...and am particularly enjoying the Magic Treehouse series and My Father's Dragon.  I love Harry Potter as well, but need a bit of help on those still!  I'm taking a break from swimming for now, and focusing on piano.  I'm also thinking of starting either fencing or BMX - still deciding!   Antique coins are still a bit of an obsession, and I just got my second Flying Eagle Penny from the tooth fairy.   I am currently thinking of becoming an archaeologist when I grow up - I routinely am digging for fossils or cool rocks like obsidian! 

Last day of First Grade
End of year First Grade Play - I was one of the narrators

Doing a "show" with Keevah for Mama

We had a wonderful trip to Tahoe in May with good friends.  Can you believe that it actually snowed??  Of course, the snow was also melting, so we had to wade through ice cold water on our hike!  Keevah and I also went fishing an caught a few rainbow trout!

Putting on a "show" with friends Bea & Teddy

Believe it or not, I actually caught a trout with a net!
Keevah caught one too! 
Our haul!

My teepee!
For Memorial Day weekend, we headed to Granddad and Boppy's house in Pasadena.  Last Christmas, they gave me & Keevah the gift of going to Harry Potter Land at Universal Studios - and we were finally able to get down there to cash in the gift card!  We had an awesome day there, and they even bought me a new original Harry Potter Wand!  We were also able to play for an afternoon with the kids of Mama's medical school friends Rachel & Catherine.  Mama was so happy to reconnect with her friends since she doesn't get to see them that often, and we members of the younger generation didn't take long to develop strong friendships too! 

Driving to the airport after my last day of First Grade - I guess I played hard!
Even sissy was brave enough to ride the roller coaster!
Keevah, me & Granddad
All aboard the Hogwarts Express! 

Mama & Dada went to their 14th Anniversary dinner in LA while we stayed with Granddad & Boppy

An afternoon at the Huntington Museum 
Beautiful rose gardens!

Silly Nyx
Granddad & Keevah deep in conversation

Clockwise from bottom left:  Celso, Megan, Cameron, Noah, Declan, Keevah, Spencer
Will, Rachel, Kevin, Catherine, Mama & Dada

Dada & I also got to spend an awesome weekend camping, just the boys!  We went to Pinnacles State Park...did a lot of hiking, and digging for fossils, slept under the stars, and enjoyed a campfire.  While we did that, Mama & Keevah played in Napa...did a little shopping, and sissy got her first ever manicure. 

Then we spent an awesome weekend in Seattle to visit Mama and Dada's good friends from college, Brad & Carol (and their 2 year old Vienna, and their awesome doggie Dottie!).  We explored the city for two days, enjoying a trip to Pikes Place Market and a boat ride in Puget Sound.  We even saw 2 bald eagles on our boat ride!   The Space Needle was one of our highlights - they have new glass floors and windows that slope outward!!!  It was hard to be brave, but we all conquered our fears to lean right up agains the glass and dance on the glass floors.  Another highlight was the Chihuly gardens & museum to see such amazing glass sculptures.  I was particularly fascinated with an on-site glass blower doing demonstrations...and now I kind of want to learn to blow glass too!  Finally, we enjoyed the Science museum, and I got to do my first ever Virtual Reality course! 

Pikes Place Market
Puget Sound Cruise 
Science Museum

Playing with water machines
Virtual Reality game
Pilot Keevah!
Vienna & I fit in a t-rex footprint
Keevah lifting 500 pounds!

Loving a life-size chess set!
Space Needle Selfie

Glass floor on the Space Needle
Leaning outward on the glass!
Beautiful Seattle skyline

Yikes!  A boa constrictor!  Keevah loved it too!
Chihuly magical flower garden
A mix of glass plants and real plants
Otters say cheese too! 
And then finally here are a few random moments from daily Napa life caught on film.

Mama's solution when I have a hard time remembering to eat with my fork instead of my fingers...
Dada traveling means everyone, including Spirit, piles into the bed
We spent a fun afternoon making "Napa Rocks" to hide for others to find
Matching jammies for Nyx and Bunny Rabbit
Second set of matching jammies
I love drawing - this is one of Pompeii
New tire swing for the backyard
An afternoon at a friends property, Lake and Paddle boasts included! 

Declan, Levi & Indy
Boating with friends!
Keevah Nyx loves singing and making up songs!

It's officially summer now, and I'm signed up for a series of summer camps. I just finished a week at Connolly Ranch, and this next week is Harry Potter Camp.  Gran is here this week, so those photos will be in the next blog post.  My tonsils also come out in 5 days, so wish me luck!