Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Declan Hercules: A crazy month!

I loved the bunny - Keevah, not so much!

Easter at Farmstead
After our awesome trip to Kauai, we have settled back into life in Napa.  I'm still loving Kindergarten at Mount George with Mrs. Mitchell.  I'm getting better and better at reading and writing, and am really loving drawing!  I'm still doing swimming twice a week, gymnastics on Mondays, and Chess lessons on Tuesdays after school.  There have been several crazy things the past two months, so that's why we haven't written in awhile.  

Learning chess!

First, Mama had her big surgery (double mastectomies) on Feb 1st, and is still recovering from that.  She had a bit of a bumpy road, and was in the hospital for a week with an infection. I'm so glad she's home now, but she is still trying to take things easy - and I'm doing my best not to accidentally tackle her!  
Post op day #1 for Mama

Mama's home post-op day #2

Second, we got a new nanny, but not before we had a bit of a gap in coverage and flew Gran out from Pennsylvania super last-minute to help out!  It was a bit crazy with school and Mama's surgery, so Gran helped keep us all on track.  

             Miss Abigail singing Un Poco Loco to me - she's teaching me some guitar too!

Miss Abigail with Keevah
Gran wrangling the troops
A nice dinner with Gran at Morimoto

A rare moment captured on film - sister actually fell asleep in someone's arms!
Third, Keevah Nyx started school at Nature's Way Montessori since she's two years old now!  We weren't sure how it was going to go, but she really likes it and hasn't gotten kicked out yet!  She says the same things every day about school;  "I played" and "I read book".  She is talking up a storm all of a sudden - she started a bit slow with language, but now is speaking in paragraphs and learning new words every day (mostly from me!).  She is still completely nuts, doing silly things all the time, and still climbing everything!  
First day of school for Keevah Nyx!

Meeting friends, including neighbor Lucius!
Wearing Mama's old swimsuit from the 1970s!
Being silly - Nyx takes EVERYTHING potty!

Leopard has to go too...
Got herself dressed - swimsuit over jammies
We're all dressed up for a rainy adventure!
Did her own hair - about 10 clips - all Mama's from the 1980s
Wonder Woman!
Speaking a whole sentence!

Being insane...

We love playing together!

Despite all the insanity around here, we managed to make it up to Tahoe while Mama was recovering (and so we could take advantage of a large Spring snow storm).  

Van Neirops joined us for a few days!

Granddad & Boppy also came up to visit from Pasadena for a long weekend.  My favorite part was going to Jack London's historic home where he wrote a lot of his books.  It's up in the hills by Sonoma, and we did an awesome hike - so pretty!  They also gave me a magic kit, so I've been practicing my tricks!  We loved reading books with them, getting ice cream, and going to the park.

Jacuzzi with Granddad
Higher Grandad!

Ice cream at Oxbow
Keevah & Boppy at Jack London Historic Site

Wolf house - burned down right before Jack London was supposed to move in, 15,000 sq ft!
We also enjoyed a pre-Easter celebration at Farmstead in St. Helena.  I got to play all morning with my friend Haines, from Mount George.  Keevah doesn't really remember Easter from last year, so I was explaining the Easter Bunny to her.  She seemed really excited to see him, but then she was not happy at all when she finally saw how big he is!  She was excited to learn that he brings eggs to hide.  I asked her what she thought would be inside the eggs, and she said, "Chickens!"  She did like the toys inside the eggs, but she was a little disappointed there weren't actually chickens!
Making bunny rice crispy treats with Mama

I loved the bunny - Keevah, not so much!

Easter at Farmstead
Sissy loved her unicorn face paint!
I got a rainbow!
So, it's been crazy around here.  We're hoping it calms down again soon!