Saturday, December 31, 2016

Declan Hercules - Getting Ready for Santa!

It's December!  That means all sorts of amazing things happen.  I've been explaining all this cool stuff to Keevah Nyx, though she doesn't seem as excited as she should be.  
Gran left right after Thanksgiving weekend, and we set about immediately finishing the house decorating.  We got the rest of the house decorated and the lights on outside to make it pretty.  We go out most nights to look at all the lights in the neighborhood, which Sissy also likes a lot - just like I did when I was tiny. 
I'm out of school for a few weeks, and though I'm still loving my Montessori program, I'm happy to spend extra time at home with Mama and Dada.  They are making me practice my writing and reading every day, and I'm trying my best!  I'm so close to reading, and I'm sounding out words pretty well.  
Keevah Nyx is standing really well on her own, and takes a few steps without falling over, but then she topples like a tree when she loses her balance.  She is FINALLY sleeping through the night, which means that Mama and Dada have more energy to play with ME!!

Dada with the babies
Matching xmas jammies
More matching jammies

Keevah Nyx is getting some hair finally!

Sister is TROUBLE!!!
Mama and Declan movie night when Dada was out of town
 We also enjoyed a lovely Saturday at a park in Sonoma.  Fall comes late in the Valley!

Nyx eats anything most people consider inedible

She also discovered how to take herself for a ride on our robot vacuum

Keevah Nyx didn't want me to go to bed!

Declan and Dada make Mama dinner

Miss Heather gave me an awesome robot wind turbine kit for Christmas

We also spent an awesome weekend in Tahoe with Gee, Grandpa and some friends. We celebrated Mama's birthday and even opened some early Christmas presents. I got to go skiing for the first time this season, and even got all new ski clothing and gear which I was super excited about.

Getting ready to open gifts
Opening my new ski outfit
Handsome skiier

The end of the treasure hunt - a new watch for ME!!
Big thank yous!

Tahoe bear jammies for the whole family, courtesy of me!

Nyx is learning to walk!

Nyx loves her Grandpa!

Charlie, Mama, Gee, Grandpa, Dada, Serena and Stoyan
Checking out the lights in our Neighborhood. 
Sister Keevah Nyx turns ONE!  She doesn't really seem to notice that she's older, but she did have fun smashing the cupcake.

Mama was late in getting this out - so now it's already New Years - but there will be really cute Christmas photos coming up next!!