Saturday, December 31, 2016

Declan Hercules - Getting Ready for Santa!

It's December!  That means all sorts of amazing things happen.  I've been explaining all this cool stuff to Keevah Nyx, though she doesn't seem as excited as she should be.  
Gran left right after Thanksgiving weekend, and we set about immediately finishing the house decorating.  We got the rest of the house decorated and the lights on outside to make it pretty.  We go out most nights to look at all the lights in the neighborhood, which Sissy also likes a lot - just like I did when I was tiny. 
I'm out of school for a few weeks, and though I'm still loving my Montessori program, I'm happy to spend extra time at home with Mama and Dada.  They are making me practice my writing and reading every day, and I'm trying my best!  I'm so close to reading, and I'm sounding out words pretty well.  
Keevah Nyx is standing really well on her own, and takes a few steps without falling over, but then she topples like a tree when she loses her balance.  She is FINALLY sleeping through the night, which means that Mama and Dada have more energy to play with ME!!

Dada with the babies
Matching xmas jammies
More matching jammies

Keevah Nyx is getting some hair finally!

Sister is TROUBLE!!!
Mama and Declan movie night when Dada was out of town
 We also enjoyed a lovely Saturday at a park in Sonoma.  Fall comes late in the Valley!

Nyx eats anything most people consider inedible

She also discovered how to take herself for a ride on our robot vacuum

Keevah Nyx didn't want me to go to bed!

Declan and Dada make Mama dinner

Miss Heather gave me an awesome robot wind turbine kit for Christmas

We also spent an awesome weekend in Tahoe with Gee, Grandpa and some friends. We celebrated Mama's birthday and even opened some early Christmas presents. I got to go skiing for the first time this season, and even got all new ski clothing and gear which I was super excited about.

Getting ready to open gifts
Opening my new ski outfit
Handsome skiier

The end of the treasure hunt - a new watch for ME!!
Big thank yous!

Tahoe bear jammies for the whole family, courtesy of me!

Nyx is learning to walk!

Nyx loves her Grandpa!

Charlie, Mama, Gee, Grandpa, Dada, Serena and Stoyan
Checking out the lights in our Neighborhood. 
Sister Keevah Nyx turns ONE!  She doesn't really seem to notice that she's older, but she did have fun smashing the cupcake.

Mama was late in getting this out - so now it's already New Years - but there will be really cute Christmas photos coming up next!!  

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Keevah Nyx: Gran visits for my first Turkey Day; & trips to SF, Tahoe & Calistoga

Apparently the holiday season is a big deal.  I'm not really sure what to make of all the festivities, but they definitely have me entertained and exhausted. Since I was born on Dec 20 last year, I've never experienced Thanksgiving or Fall in general - and certainly have never helped pick out a tree and decorate for Christmas! 

November started with a lovely trip to a playground with friends.  As you can see, I'm standing quite well and can even stand without holding onto anything for balance for prolonged periods of time.  I'm still a bit nervous to take any steps on my own, but I'm happy to grab a grown up finger and walk with them.  I'm still loving my milk bottles, and not so thrilled about solid foods at all - they are too messy and too much work!  I still love my Mama and Dada so much that I want to see them at 3am every morning for a nice milk bottle, but I have no idea why they are starting to get frustrated with that!  I'm almost 17 pounds finally - still thin, but very tall. 

I wish I could play with the big kids!
Leaves are yummy!

We also had a lovely day trip to Calistoga to see the Old Bale Grist Mill - it still works to make flour of many different kinds.  Hercules particularly loves this place so he can watch gears and water wheels move around.

Fall in Napa Valley is kind of beautiful...we had a nice drink at Dean & Deluca (which is a place I hope to frequent often) and then took a stroll through the vineyards while Mama trolled us for photos. 

We also spent a lovely 2 days  in San Francisco with my friend Clare and her family 2 weekends before Thanksgiving.  I got to explore the Exploratorium for one day which was challenging - Hercules got to do so many cool experiments that they say I'm not old enough for...but I tried!  When they finally let me out of my stroller, I was just so happy to find a drain cover!!

Playing with magnets
My floor drain!!!

Awesome sculpture with toothpicks and Elmer's glue

Pretty Colors!

now this one I really liked!

In front of a geyser with Dada
Counting the rings (and the age) of the tree
The next day we spent at the SF Zoo.

Big brother found the ostriches - weird birds - what's the point if they can't fly?
Hercules and Clare - I'm not old enough to do anything fun!!

Anacondas are HUGE!
On the zoo train
My brother, the peacock
Mobility has its advantages, and curses...
After a weekend in SF, we had an awesome weekend in Tahoe- my happy place!!!  It was starting to get chilly and even snowed on our way home .
Hercules loving ice cream on a 25F degree evening

All bundled up  - Mama made me this hat!
Matching "tahoe bear" jammies
Mama and me on a hike 
Declan on a hike with us

The jacuzzi wasn't heated properly, so the big boys took a jacuzzi bath instead (in their swimsuits)- I wanted to join in sooooo badly but Mama wouldn't let me.  She's worried I'll be a party girl one day!

Watching snow fall


Gran came all the way to visit from Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving.  I love hanging out with her - and despite  my cold and pink eye, she took good care of me.  Brother was a bit sick as well, but we still had fun.  We had a few of Mama and Dada's friends over for "friendsgiving" as they apparently do every year. I was on my best behavior, and loved matching my outfit with my big brothers. 

Brother and Gran giving me a bath in the sink
Guess which one they made me drink - booooo!!
Brother Declan and Dada made a turkey brine and cooked the turkey...
But I stole their pot first...
Hercules turkey

Nyx turkey
Two turkeys!
Declan too tired to move after dinner. 
Apparently the traditional day-after-thanksgiving tradition is to go pick out a tree to decorate. The whole dead-tree-in-the-house thing seems weird to me, but at least it's fun to eat the ornaments and pine needles.

Brother found the perfect tree, and I approved by crawling around it and trying to tip it over.  
Gran had to keep me contained

Santa has a cool sleigh
Hercules helping strap the tree on the car
Watching Dada and big brother get the net off the tree - so that I can eat the net. 
Each year, Mama gets a few new ornaments - this year I got a new Raptor ornament, and a Cindy Lou Who ornament since I still shriek like a raptor and have some crazy hair and ears like Cindy Lou.

The day after Thanksgiving, we got to go the Napa Christmas Parade - except for Dada who had to do some work.  The lights were so mesmerizing. It lasted over an hour and I was wide awake and bouncing on Mama's shoulders through the whole thing even though it was past my bedtime.  I want to go to a parade every day! My favorite were the dancing horses and Mariachi band.

Gran and brother Declan 
Gran and me waiting for Santa on the float!

Two days after Thanksgiving, we finished decorating the house.  It is so beautiful - I'm loving all the lights, and especially the low ornaments on the tree which were clearly placed for me to pull off and play with.

Was I not supposed to climb on this tall box on my own?
Rudolph the red nosed Declan has come to visit
Brother and Mama and Dada decorate the tree after they forced me to go to bed. Next year they won't be able to contain me that easily 
Finished product

Gran leaves in the morning after another awesome visit - I can't wait until she comes back!  In the meantime, I hear there's another Tahoe trip, Mama's birthday, my FIRST birthday, a Santa Train, Christmas, and New Years celebrations! Phew, I better get some sleep now!