Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Oregon & Florida...states #15 and 16

We just got back in Napa from some whirlwind trips the past two weekends. are some random pics from before our trips. 

after swim lessons...don't I look so old??
Well, Mama only said to put on my own pants and underwear...she never mentioned which way to put them on!
Granddad and Boppy up for a quick visit...washing our tomatoes!
noticing a theme?  
all clothes come off in the back yard!

First, we went to Ashland, Oregon for Cousin Addison's wedding to the lovely Sereana.  It was a super-duper long drive, but I did so good! (bribed, of course, with Mickey Mouse ClubHouse). 
We met Gee & Grandpa and Uncle Ben & Auntie Aubree on the drive up.  Ashland had a really neat park that I played at several times throughout the weekend...and I conquered the top of the rope climbing tower like the Hercules I am!  

I made it to the top!
Make me more dizzy Mama!
Watching the duckies with Grandpa and Dada

I also got to sit in my very first real-life big-sucker Fire Engine!  It had an American Flag painted on it, which was pretty cool...but the best part was that it had a big gasoline-powered FAN inside one of the cubbies on the side.  I also liked the big-sucker axe, hammer and hose.  The firemen were so cool, they even let me sit behind the wheel and gave me my very own fire hat!  

Gee, Grandpa, Dada, Uncle Ben, Auntie Aubree (with baby cousin in her tummy), and me at the hotel jacuzzi
The wedding was very nice, punctuated by me proudly announcing (right as the ceremony started) that I went big poo-poo!  All weddings have to have some comic relief right?  I had fun dancing and seeing Auntie Kelly & Uncle Tomo too.
Congrats Cousins!
About as still as I was during the wedding...
My pretty parents
Mama and Grandpa
Then we made the long trek back to Napa, where I had a nice week at school.  I'm liking my new big kid classroom with all my friends. I'm working on my letters and numbers, and learning a lot about Nature.  

Then off we went again...this time to Florida, state Number 16 for me (plus France and British Columbia).  Mama had a medical conference there...and Dada and I came along for the ride.  I'm such a pro at plane travel long as I have my snacks and some books and a movie!  The first day we went to Disney's Animal Kingdom.  I had a BLAST!  So many cool animals to see up close. Mama and Dada say that they will take me on a safari with Gran some day...and if it's anything like this, I will love it!   My favorite was the big gorilla, but the twigas (giraffes) were pretty neat too.  I loved watching the monkeys swing on their branches, and was amazed at the size of the bats hanging upside down...just like in my books!  There was a water ride where I was thrilled to get soaking wet.  The worst part was meeting Mickey & Minnie...I like them when they are small on my ipad, but holy cow! They are giant rodents - looked like they could gobble me up in one bite!  So, we got out of there quickly...
I'm in the dinosaur with just can't see me!
riding up the ramp on the water ride

relaxing near the antelope

Elephants and Twigas!

Termite mounds
Just like the twiga in my room at home!
A deer with funny horns
A scary grown-up sized rodent!
Enormous bats! They really do hang upside down (and have a 6 FOOT wingspan)
Big gorilla
Getting my face painted.  I asked for the "Jungle Kitty" look, but apparently that was inappropriate for a 3 year old boy (think 21 yr old girl on halloween), so we settled on Mr. Monkey

The rest of the time, I enjoyed playing at the pool with Dada. Granddad came over and watched me for a little bit too.   I was dragged around to a few dinners with Mama's former colleagues, but I didn't mind since I got to watch my momos (movies).  

Go higher Dada!

lazy river ride
Just chillin'

Mama came back from her conference to snuggle with me in the rain...perfect warm storm under a warm umbrella

sleepy after a long day of playing
Mama and her former teachers - Drs. Platt, Grillone, and Noordzij
These Mama Doctor meetings are always a family affair - Uncle Steve and Granddad were there too!
The House family Otolaryngologists
Phew!  We just got back and I don't know what time zone I'm on...but we had a great time.  Mama just asked me what the best part of Florida was.  My answer...."the FANS".  (people in humid places have a LOT of fans!)