Wednesday, April 18, 2012



What a crazy word!  

I just learned that “Aloha” means both “Hello” and “Goodbye”  in Hawaiian.  It also means:  affection, compassion, peace, and mercy.  

How is a little dude supposed to figure all that out?

Anyway, I just got back from 10 glorious days in Hawaii.  Four states down (CA, NV, NY, HI)…46 to go!  I had no idea that Napa wasn’t the best place on Earth.  I fell in love with the tropics…the warm weather, the tropical storms, the abundant plant life (I tried to pull the leaves off of everything I could reach), the plentiful wildlife, and the calming beaches were mesmerizing.  I can’t say a bad thing about my whole experience.  I even had Mama and Daddy all to myself for the whole vacation!  What a treat!  

We started our adventure in Maui, the second largest Hawaiian island (and 17th largest island in the US).  Grammie & Grandpa took all of my family on Mama’s side on a one week adventure near Lahaina.  My Uncles Chris, John, and Ben as well as my Aunts Ladonna, Kelly, and Aubree were all there with us.  I loved getting to know all my aunts & uncles better…and I played them all by maximizing my time being loved by everyone for the entire week!

Grammie & Grandpa had me every morning at 6am so that Mama & Daddy could sleep in a little bit…I loved this special time with them.  Then in the afternoons, I was held by all my wonderful aunts & uncles by the pool and on the beach.  

Mama & Daddy had some grown-up time with all the adults, such as seeing the Warren & Annabels magic show and scuba diving with Ben & Aubree off the island of Lanai.  

On the plane with Mama

First time putting my feet in the ocean with Grandpa - a bit scary!  

Mama, Grandpa, Daddy, Uncle Ben, Uncle Chris & Aunt Aubree playing water volleyball

Uncle Chris, Aunt Aubree, Aunt Kelly, Mama, Grandpa, and me asleep in my stroller!

Grammie & me in one of my 6 beach outfits!

Grandpa, Aunt Kelly, Aunt Aubree holding me, and Uncle Ben - Aubree is making me laugh hysterically by blowing on my tummy!

Mama & Daddy all dressed up for the magic show

Easter Sunday at the Plantation House for brunch

Uncle Ben, Aunt Aubree, Aunt Kelly, Grammie & Grandpa holding me, Mama, Daddy, Aunt Ladonna, and Uncle Chris

Grammie & Grandpa holding me - check out my linen suit!

Mama and her siblings (Kelly, Chris & Ben)

Practicing my walk with Grammie & Grandpa - I'm just a tad off-balance!

Chris & Ladonna, Ben & Aubree, Mama & Daddy relaxing by the pool

The family playing a silly game!

The whole family for the Christmas Card portrait.  Grammie had all our t-shirts made with "Colton Family Reunion" logos

Grammie & Grandpa with me

Wearing my "reunion" onsie

At the Luau

Grammie & me at the luau

My awesome hawaiian outfit

Mama and me at the luau

Some of the servers at the luau

The hot lady dancers!  What a way to wake up from a nap!

We also had so much fun as a family of three!  

I can’t decide what I like more…the pool or the beach.  It was my first time in both kinds of water. The pool was so warm and calm.  I got to use my “Turtle” floatie and had a blast motoring all over the place! I even went down the water slide several times with Daddy.  I wasn’t too thrilled the first time, but then I learned to like it and got to show off my bravery!  

My own beachchair.  Check out my mohawk!

Daddy and me in the pool

Practicing my kicking

learning to swim with Daddy

Commanding "Ertle the Turtle"!

    My big waterslide moment!

The beach is a whole other experience…the stuff called sand is so cool!  I could squish my toes and fingers in it…smear it on my face…eat it…and even put it in my swimmy diaper.  I got to swim in the ocean with Daddy, and after some initial concern (it’s cooler than my bathtubs!), I discovered that I liked this too.  I even dunked my head a few times!  Daddy took a surfing lesson (he’s already decent at it, but wanted to learn more)…and his instructor had taken his girls out surfing when they were 3 weeks old.  So, next time I see a beach…you better watch out!  I’ll be Hangin’ 10 before you blink an eye!

Loving the beach with Mama

Check out my shark outfit!

Sand is yummy!  Mama can't figure out why I won't drink a bottle, but I will eat sand...I'll tell her when I'm 25

The beach at Kanapali

First time swimming in the ocean

After a week enjoying Maui with all Mama’s family, it was time to say goodbye…but Mama & Daddy surprised me!  Instead of the plane going back to California, it went to Kauai instead.  Kauai is another (smaller) island of Hawaii, and it has the “wettest spot on earth!” Kauai was definitely the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  The best surprise of all was that Aunt Cara & Uncle Bill met us there!  (They’re not biologically related…but I spend so much time with them that I feel the need to add the familial distinction).  Bill & Cara got married on Kauai 6 years ago and they love the island so much that they wanted to share it with me (at least that’s how I see it).  

In Kauai, we rented a beach house for 4 nights on the North Shore near Hanalei. We relaxed on the beaches – which are even prettier than the beaches in Maui – but we also did some awesome hiking.  I was mesmerized by the beauty of the NaPali Coast – known universally as one of the prettiest coasts on Earth.  I was such a trooper in my backpack…and when I needed a break, I got to play in a fresh water stream.  

We bought fish each night from a local market and the grown ups made elaborate dinners that they ate out on our lanai.  I was so happy that I had my own room and could go to sleep in my own bed instead of a stroller.  I got to sleep on a ton of cushions that proves that I am the king that I think I am!  

Pretty plants on Kauai....

Tunnels beach on Kauai

My own beach towel

Daddy trying to look 007 cool coming out of the water

One of my signature poses for the trip

Hiking the NaPali Coast

The NaPali Coast (better photos to come soon!)

Practicing my walking with Mama

At dinner with Mama and Aunt Cara

Daddy, Uncle Bill, Aunt Cara, Mama and me eating my foot at dinner at the St Regis, Princeville

Daddy, Uncle Bill & I hanging out on our lanai

Walking on Tunnels Beach

Looking studly with Daddy at Tunnels

Kauai 2012

After 4 magical nights, it was time to return home.  I got an “A+” for my efforts on the flight home.  I slept most of the time, and then made friends with my neighbors using my killer smile and batting my eyelashes.  After the redeye flight, Mama drove us home and I was ecstatic to sleep on my wedge in my own nursery with my Hercules paintings and Tinga Tinga African art.  I was also pretty happy to see my nanny, Heather.  As much as I loved Hawaii, I’m a pretty lucky little dude to live a wonderful life in Napa.  And, now I can start planning my next adventure...!

Oh...a bit of developmental info for everyone.  I’m almost 19 pounds of pure muscle, I just cut my first two teeth in Hawaii (I got amazing praise for not fussing about that!), I can sit completely on my own, I can pull myself up to sitting positions, I can hold all my own weight in a standing position and even take a few steps (wobbly!)...but I’ve decided that I will never crawl!  I hate tummy much more exciting to stare at the world rather than the Mama’s convinced I’ll just learn to walk instead of crawl.     I still get most of my nutrition thru my g-tube, but I have started rice cereal and am doing pretty well with it.  I’m going to start oatmeal this week!  yummy!  

Sucking on Grammie's toes - definitely teething...

Sucking on my toes...definitely teething...

                            I missed my cart so much!  Oh the happiness of independence!